The biggest challenge of online marketing is creating an airtight sales funnel which calibrates precise reader movement. This in an environment where there’s already too much exposure due to the exponential growth of social media. Most are complaining that there’s already excessive content availability.
As a result, what’s needed is the ability to identify the weak links in the command chain of your online sales funnel, this by plugging in precisely targeted content which converts, which is now critically important for your marketing success.
Approaching content delivery through integration means that your content will be discovered through a variety of online channels, including search and social media, so it’s always best to approach it by being keyword centric.
To plan this out, what needs to be researched are the most relevant keyword and content methods which your target market uses, this when you’re mapping out your buying cycle.
Diligent Research Dutiful Discovery
Everything that’s purchased online begins with someone having a problem, an issue, experiencing a challenge somehow. So the buying cycle begins before your customer even realizes that you have the solution to their particular malady, that it even exists. They’re simply researching their angst online.
The research is performed by using exploratory keyword searches which describes their problem, which is what they “feel” will result in identifying the exact issue that they’re facing.
They’re not necessarily searching for a solution at this point. For the majority of marketers, what this involves is taking a step back and determining, what’s the problem that you’re product solves.
To Solve A Problem
Health is always a big issue. Say someone has persistent knee pain, which is a common hurt that most can relate to. So once someone experiences this knee pain, what they won’t immediately do is enter keywords for surgical solutions.
Instead, what they’re wanting to know is what’s causing the pain, this so they can identify what the best solutions are, so they’ll enter keyword search phrases such as “the causes of knee pain,” or “knee pain symptoms.”
So if this is your niche, then you should be looking to create a comprehensive online content resource, this based on giving your visitors a clear concise information package regarding the actual symptoms that they’re facing.
What doing so does is it introduces them to your product or potential solution at the initial stages, while prompting them to move a few steps down the sales funnel.
Identifying Their Problem
Once they’ve pinpointed and are confident that they’ve defined the problem that they’re facing, they will then search to get a more in-depth overview of their particular problem, along with any surrounding issues.
So for someone with that knee pain, during their research and discovery stage, doing so led them to identify their problem as a possible ACL tear. That darn soccer game.
Then they’ll be focused strictly on this particular area. They’ll research all of the causes, how widespread or common it is, and the degrees of seriousness it poses.
So you should be providing content such as “The Top 10 Issues Facing ACL Injuries.” At this stage of discovery, this is the exact information that your prospect is looking for.
The Search For Solutions Begin
Once they understand the problem that they’re facing, what they want are the best solutions. This is when there’s a distinct crossover. They’re now extremely receptive to solutions, this before they’ll begin to actively search for them.
The content you provide during this stage becomes a lot more tactical and technical. You’re now starting to ask your prospect to take some type of action, such as an email opt-in.
This is where you can begin showcasing your videos, e-book, whitepapers, etc. This is where you would be providing detailed information about possible ACL surgery and the rehabilitation process.
You would begin building strong calls to action on every page or video. You would recommend the reader book an appointment for a consultation. This is where you’d ask them to take action that they would welcome.
There Are Always Alternatives
Once they’ve done their initial research, perhaps spoken to someone at your company, what they’ll likely do is explore their options. They would enter keyword queries such as “alternatives to ACL surgery” or “risks of ACL surgery” etc.
The information would be third-party perspectives, reviews, or recommendations which validates they having the surgery is the best course, this with stats on the outcomes and recovery. There could also be information on possible alternates.
In some niches, this would be content which introduces competitive products, testimonials against one another, or information on why the alternate solutions aren’t always the best course of action to take.
This stage of the buying cycle forces your prospect to realize that they need this information for assurance. You can either provide it yourself, or they’ll search elsewhere such as on social media.
The Confirmation Process
Once they close in on the final stages of the search and determination process, the buyer will need to verify that your company, product, or solution is the best possible option for them.
This is similar to the “alternatives” search process, so at this stage, you’ll want to provide case studies, show your credentials or awards.
This is where your social proof becomes important. Do you have testimonials that you’re able to publish on your site. Are people talking about you on Facebook or Twitter. Leverage them the best way possible.
Content That Has A Purpose
Every piece of content that you provide should have a purpose. If you’re selling something, a product, service, or even an idea, each piece that you produce should be designated to move the reader forward to take action, to take the next step, this to the point where they’ll commit.
In order to attract more traffic, convince, and then convert as many as possible, your content driven sales funnel needs to be precisely calculated and carefully designed by using exact keyword analysis.
Once you’re able to create an airtight funnel that’s driven by content, and then implement the systems that’s needed to maintain it, then all you need are floods of targeted traffic to convert successfully.